Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

The union nations

A.history of UN  un organization was officially born on 24 October 1945. This organization was initiated by the five major countries of the United States, english, french, russia and china. un preceded the establishment of talks between British PM Winston Churchill and U.S. president Franklin Delano Roosevelt on 4 August 1941 in Augusta ship.
talks resulted in the Atlantic Charter
  The next conference was held at Dumbarton Oaks, United States on 21 August - 7 October 1944. This conference resulted in agreement on the formation of un. on 4-11 February 1945, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, wi nston Churchill, and Stalin Yalta conference. on 25 April - 25 june 1945 fifty countries agreed with the proposal contained in the un charter. This charter was signed on 24 October 1945. fifty countries attending the conference san francisco called un original members
* un organization has the following objectives :1.keep you peace and international security
2.develop a relationship of brotherhood among nations
3.conduct international cooperation
4.as the central alignment of all joint actions against countries that endanger world peace
un completeness bodies :1.general assembly
2.secutity council
3.trusteeship council
4.international court of justice
6.economic and social council

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