by : yulviandini harpan
rasti adalah seorang anak yang berasal dari keluarga yang kurang mampu ayahnya hanya seorang penjual es doger. pada suatu hari di sekolah rasti sedang mengadakan study tour dan rasti ingin sekali ikut. lalu rasti meminta uang kepada ayahnya untuk membayar study tour tersebut. tapi ayah rasti tidak memberikanyay uang sebab ia tidak punya uang dan rasti menjadi marah dan kesal. lalu ia membanding bandingkan ayahnya dengan ayah temanya nita, yang kaya
pentas : menggambarkan sebuah rumah kecil
seorang gadis manis yang baru pulang sekolah dengan hati gembira
rasti : ayah aku minta uang
ayah : untuk apa sayang ?
rasti : aku ingin ikut study tour ayah
ayah : berapa ?
rasti : 350.000
ayah : apa? mana ada ayah uang sebanyak itu
rasti : ah... pokoknya aku tidak mau tahu ayah harus memberi aku uang untuk study tour
ayah : tapi, bagaimana ayah mendapat uang sebanyak itu ? kamu tahukan ayah hanya penjuak es ?
rasti : iya aku tahu, tapi ayah kan bisa pinjam uang orang
ayah : lalu dengan apa ayah bayar uang itu nanti ?
rasti : itu kan bisa difikir nanti, yang penting aku mau ikut study tour (sambil membentak)
pentas : di sekolah
rio : rasain tuh si ratu sombong, jadi miskin sekarang
ika : biar tahu rasa dia (semua anak di kelas membicarakan tentang rahma)
rasti : kok kelas ribut begini, ada apa ya ?
ada apa nih ka ?
ika : rahma sekarang udah jatuh miskin
rasti : hah ? kenapa ?
ika : perusahaan ayahnya bangkrut
rasti : kasihan ya
(padahal selama ini aku fikir rahma anak yang sempurna, tapi sekarang dia sama seperti aku, miskin)
kak lusi : adik adik yang mau ikut study tour bisa mengumpulkan uang nya sekarang
(semua anak kelas VII.5 ikut study tour kecuali rasti dan rahma)
rasti : rahma kamu gak ikut study tour ?
rahma : enggak...
rasti : kenapa ?
rahma : aku tidak punya uang
rasti : kenapa tidak minta sama ayahmu saja !
rahma : tidak ah, aku tidak mau merepotkan ayahku,lebih baik uangnya aku tabung
rasti jadi teringan oleh ayahnya ,dia sangat menyesal karna telah marah marah pada ayahnya dan ia berjanji sepulang sekolah nanti ia akan minta maaf pada ayahnya
Senin, 28 Februari 2011
Reporting trip to West Sumatra
by: yulviandini harpan
on vacation this time me and my family trip to sumatra west, we departed on Sunday at 8 am from Pekanbaru. during the journey I only slept in the car
because it was already noon so we all stop once in a restaurant for lunch, prayer, and to relieve fatigue. after lunch we continue the journey to the west sumatra. we reached the west sumatra at 7 pm. when he got there, we immediately find a place to rest. the next day we went to my brother's house to stay in touch, there I met with the yola and yoli
after that we headed to the resorts of Minang fantasy. we are very happy there because a lot of games we could play. after play we find a place for lunch, after which we return again to the hotel. evening my family and I went to at gadang to look at large sieve, when he got there we immediately played and posed photos
the next day we went to the market to buy by the to be brought into pekanbaru, after the market me and my family to continue the journey back to pekanbaru
because it was already noon so we all stop once in a restaurant for lunch, prayer, and to relieve fatigue. after lunch we continue the journey to the west sumatra. we reached the west sumatra at 7 pm. when he got there, we immediately find a place to rest. the next day we went to my brother's house to stay in touch, there I met with the yola and yoli
after that we headed to the resorts of Minang fantasy. we are very happy there because a lot of games we could play. after play we find a place for lunch, after which we return again to the hotel. evening my family and I went to at gadang to look at large sieve, when he got there we immediately played and posed photos
the next day we went to the market to buy by the to be brought into pekanbaru, after the market me and my family to continue the journey back to pekanbaru
yulviandini harpan
Covenant agreement that ended World War II
by : social sciences
A.Potsdam agreement dated 2 August 1945 which was attended Truman (United States), Stalin (Russia), and Winston Churchill (UK) to determine the fate of Germany. The following is the contents of the Potsdam agreement :
*Germany was divided into two occupied territories, occupied east germany west germany russia and occupied by the United States, English and French
*berlin city in eastern Germany into four occupied territory, occupied east berlin west berlin occupied Russia and the United States, English and French
*Germany must reduce the armed forces
*court for war criminals
*Germany must pay war damages
*Danzig and German regions of the east river and niesse oder provided to polish
B.agreement between the allies with japan, endorsed in san francisco on 8 September 1945, contains the following :
*for the time being, Japanese archipelago was ruled by the occupying army united states
*kurile Sakhalin island and handed over to russia
*Manchuria and Taiwan submitted to the Chinese
*trial of war criminals
*Japan is required to pay damages of war
*Germany was divided into two occupied territories, occupied east germany west germany russia and occupied by the United States, English and French
*berlin city in eastern Germany into four occupied territory, occupied east berlin west berlin occupied Russia and the United States, English and French
*Germany must reduce the armed forces
*court for war criminals
*Germany must pay war damages
*Danzig and German regions of the east river and niesse oder provided to polish
B.agreement between the allies with japan, endorsed in san francisco on 8 September 1945, contains the following :
*for the time being, Japanese archipelago was ruled by the occupying army united states
*kurile Sakhalin island and handed over to russia
*Manchuria and Taiwan submitted to the Chinese
*trial of war criminals
*Japan is required to pay damages of war
C.agreement in Paris (1947) to determine the fate of Italy, contains the following :
*italian regions narrowed
*triest become an independent region under the rule of un
*Ethiopia and Albania free from the power italia
*all the italian colonies in north Africa were taken by English
*italia must pay damages of war
*italian regions narrowed
*triest become an independent region under the rule of un
*Ethiopia and Albania free from the power italia
*all the italian colonies in north Africa were taken by English
*italia must pay damages of war
Jumat, 11 Februari 2011
Impact of technology for education
* technology is a tool created by humans to facilitate job
* Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed themselves and society.
* Technology education is the study and practice to help the learning process and improve performance by making, using, and managing processes and technology resources are adequate. The term is often associated with educational technology, learning theory and learning. If the theories of learning and learning includes the processes and systems in learning and teaching, educational technology includes other systems used in the process of developing human capabilities
repidly evolving information technology now makes the world bacame infinite human civilization developed continously making a huge impact for the advencement of technology to siut human needs human continue to explore and find new discoveries both individuals and group in order to get a work that can contribute in the form of convenience for it user an example is generaly the current computer technology is something that cannot be saparated from all human activities computer technology that was a use as a large machinery plant in the company and now has turned into a toolthat it often encountered and use by the illustrates that how quickly people turn a day into the technology era, in wich human beings in a country, whether it's a poor country, develop or developing countries subjected to the birth of a form of technology.
on the other hand the consequences of the current onslaught of information technology it is the people forced to be more careful because the technological progress is not merely to make a progress but also has nagative effects both physically and spiritually.information technology to form a new civilization wich was transformed into needs that can not seperated from human activities, informayion technology makes the delivery of information to be globalized and within, seconds the information has been submitted and accepted by the user information.the information is packaged into various form of fine print, audio or visual with so much positive impact on. technological progress the negative impacts that are often encountered in the pornography and juvenile delinquency in the use of these technologies and several other negative aspects that contrast with the real essence of education
C.the formulation of the promblem
whether the impact of technology for education? According to Iskandar Alisyahbana (1980) Technology has been known to mankind since millions of years ago because of the encouragement to live a more comfortable, more prosperous and more prosperous. So since the beginning of civilization, the technology actually existed, although the term "technology has not been used.
The term "technology" comes from "techne" or how and "logos" or knowledge. So the technology can be interpreted literally knowledge of ways. Understanding the technology itself to him, are ways of doing things to meet human needs with reasonable assistance and equipment, so that seemed to extend, enhance or create more powerful members of the body, senses and the human brain.
So the impact of technology is the result generated by a technology, it could also be due to either bad consequences in human life and education. Advances in technology is something that we can not avoid in this life, because of advances in technology will run in accordance with kemajuanm science. Each innovation was created to provide positive benefits for human life. Provides many facilities, as well as new ways of doing human activities. Especially in the field of community technology already enjoy many benefits brought by the innovations that have been produced in the last decade. However, although initially created to produce positive benefits, on the other side also is also possible to be used for the negative.
existence of the internet open source information that was difficult to acces. acces the information resources not became trouble again, library is one source of information is expensive. existence of the internet allows someone to acces the library anywhere. library acces mechanisms can be done using a special program (usually using the standard Z39.50, telnet aplication or via a web browser) there have been many stories about the help the internet in research in final or information exchange question and answer with experts can be conducted via the internet. without the internet much the final project and thesis wich many require more time to resolve coorporation between experts and also with student who are physically located far apart can be done more easily. in the past one must travel or walk long distances to see a specialist to discuss a problem currently this can be done from home by sending an email
impact of education technology can increase self-convidence, knowledge, latest information, and can help us to learn in a self-taught
* technology is a tool created by humans to facilitate job
* Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed themselves and society.
* Technology education is the study and practice to help the learning process and improve performance by making, using, and managing processes and technology resources are adequate. The term is often associated with educational technology, learning theory and learning. If the theories of learning and learning includes the processes and systems in learning and teaching, educational technology includes other systems used in the process of developing human capabilities
repidly evolving information technology now makes the world bacame infinite human civilization developed continously making a huge impact for the advencement of technology to siut human needs human continue to explore and find new discoveries both individuals and group in order to get a work that can contribute in the form of convenience for it user an example is generaly the current computer technology is something that cannot be saparated from all human activities computer technology that was a use as a large machinery plant in the company and now has turned into a toolthat it often encountered and use by the illustrates that how quickly people turn a day into the technology era, in wich human beings in a country, whether it's a poor country, develop or developing countries subjected to the birth of a form of technology.
on the other hand the consequences of the current onslaught of information technology it is the people forced to be more careful because the technological progress is not merely to make a progress but also has nagative effects both physically and spiritually.information technology to form a new civilization wich was transformed into needs that can not seperated from human activities, informayion technology makes the delivery of information to be globalized and within, seconds the information has been submitted and accepted by the user information.the information is packaged into various form of fine print, audio or visual with so much positive impact on. technological progress the negative impacts that are often encountered in the pornography and juvenile delinquency in the use of these technologies and several other negative aspects that contrast with the real essence of education
C.the formulation of the promblem
whether the impact of technology for education? According to Iskandar Alisyahbana (1980) Technology has been known to mankind since millions of years ago because of the encouragement to live a more comfortable, more prosperous and more prosperous. So since the beginning of civilization, the technology actually existed, although the term "technology has not been used.
The term "technology" comes from "techne" or how and "logos" or knowledge. So the technology can be interpreted literally knowledge of ways. Understanding the technology itself to him, are ways of doing things to meet human needs with reasonable assistance and equipment, so that seemed to extend, enhance or create more powerful members of the body, senses and the human brain.
So the impact of technology is the result generated by a technology, it could also be due to either bad consequences in human life and education. Advances in technology is something that we can not avoid in this life, because of advances in technology will run in accordance with kemajuanm science. Each innovation was created to provide positive benefits for human life. Provides many facilities, as well as new ways of doing human activities. Especially in the field of community technology already enjoy many benefits brought by the innovations that have been produced in the last decade. However, although initially created to produce positive benefits, on the other side also is also possible to be used for the negative.
existence of the internet open source information that was difficult to acces. acces the information resources not became trouble again, library is one source of information is expensive. existence of the internet allows someone to acces the library anywhere. library acces mechanisms can be done using a special program (usually using the standard Z39.50, telnet aplication or via a web browser) there have been many stories about the help the internet in research in final or information exchange question and answer with experts can be conducted via the internet. without the internet much the final project and thesis wich many require more time to resolve coorporation between experts and also with student who are physically located far apart can be done more easily. in the past one must travel or walk long distances to see a specialist to discuss a problem currently this can be done from home by sending an email
impact of education technology can increase self-convidence, knowledge, latest information, and can help us to learn in a self-taught
Rabu, 09 Februari 2011
A.Republic of Indonesia abbreviated RI or Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia, which is crossed by the equator and located between the continents of Asia and Australia as well as between the Pacific and Indian Ocean. Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic country consisting of 17,508 islands, therefore he is called also as the Nusantara (Archipelago Between). With a population of 222 million people in 2006, Indonesia is the fourth most populous nation in the world and the largest Muslim populated country in the world, although not officially an Islamic state. Indonesia is a republic, the House of Representatives, Regional Representatives Council and the President who is directly elected. Is the country's capital Jakarta. Indonesia is bordered by Malaysia on Borneo island, with Papua New Guinea on the island of Papua, and Timor Leste in the Timor Island. Other neighboring countries include Singapore, Philippines, Australia, and the unity of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in India. History of Indonesia heavily influenced by other nations. The Indonesian archipelago became an important trade region since at least the 7th century, when the kingdom of Sriwijaya in Palembang, religion and trade relations with China and India. Hindu kingdoms and Buddhism has grown in the early centuries AD, followed by the traders who brought Islam, and various European powers fought each other to monopolize the spice trade in the Moluccas during the era of ocean exploration. Once under Dutch rule, Indonesia, then called the Dutch East Indies declared its independence at the end of World War II. Furthermore, Indonesia has received a variety of obstacles, threats and challenges of natural disasters, corruption, separatism, a democratization process and the period of rapid economic change. From Sabang to Merauke, Indonesia consists of distinct ethnic, linguistic and religious differences. The Javanese are the largest ethnic group and most politically dominant. Indonesia's national motto, "Unity in Diversity" ("Different but one"), articulates the diversity that shapes the country. Besides having a dense population and vast territory, Indonesia has a natural area that supports the level of biodiversity in the world's second largest
. * Etymology The word "Indonesia" is derived from the Latin Indus, meaning "Indian" and Nesos Greek word meaning "island". Thus, the Indonesian word meaning Indies islands, or archipelago located in the Indies, which indicates that this name is formed long before Indonesia became a sovereign state. In 1850, George Earl, a British ethnologist, originally proposed the term Indunesia and Malayunesia to the population "Indian Archipelago or the Malay Archipelago." Pupils from Earl, James Richardson Logan, used Indonesia as a synonym of the word Indian Islands. However, Dutch academics writing in the media do not use the word Dutch Indies Indonesia, but the terms Malay Archipelago (Maleische Archipel); Dutch East Indies (Nederlandsch Oost Indië), or Indian (Indië); East (de Oost); and even Insulinde (this term introduced in 1860 in the novel Max Havelaar (1859), written by Multatuli, the criticism of Dutch colonialism). Since 1900, the name Indonesia became more common in the academic environment outside the Netherlands, and Indonesian nationalist groups adopted it for political expression. Adolf Bastian at the University of Berlin popularize this name through the book Indonesien oder die Inseln des Malayischen Archipels, 1884-1894. Indonesian students who used it first is Suwardi Suryaningrat (Ki Hajar Dewantara), when he founded the Dutch news agency in the name Indonesisch Press Bureau in 1913.
Indonesia currently consists of 33 provinces, five of which have different status. Provinces are divided into 399 districts and 98 cities divided into districts and again into villages, villages, village, village, villages, pekon, or other terms that were accommodated by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government. Each province has a local parliament and provincial governors, while the district has a district legislature and the regents, then the town has a local parliament and mayor of the City, all directly elected by the people through elections and local elections. However there is no parliament in Jakarta District or the City, because the County Administration and the City Administration in Jakarta is not an autonomous region. Province of Aceh, Yogyakarta, West Papua, and Papua has the privilege of the legislature a greater and higher levels of autonomy than other provinces. For example, Aceh has the right to form its own legal system; in 2003, Aceh began to establish Sharia law. Obtain the status of Special Region of Yogyakarta as a recognition of the important role in supporting Indonesia's Yogyakarta during the Revolution. Province of Papua, formerly called Irian Jaya, the special autonomy status granted in 2001. DKI Jakarta, the capital of the state is a special area. Portuguese Timor was incorporated into Indonesia and became the province of East Timor in 1979-1999, which then through a referendum to the State of Timor Leste. * Province in Indonesia and its capital Sumatra: Aceh - Banda Aceh North Sumatera - Medan West Sumatra - Padang Riau - Pekanbaru Kepulauan Riau - Tanjung Pinang Jambi - Jambi South Sumatera - Palembang Bangka Belitung Islands - Louth Bengkulu - Bengkulu Lampung - Bandar Lampung Java Special Capital Region of Jakarta Banten - Serang West Java - Bandung Central Java - Semarang Special Region of Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta East Java - Surabaya Lesser Sunda Islands Bali - Denpasar West Nusa Tenggara - Mataram East Nusa Tenggara - Kupang
Kalimantan Kalimantan Barat - Pontianak Central Kalimantan - Palangkaraya South Kalimantan - Banjarmasin East Kalimantan - Samarinda Sulawesi North Sulawesi - Manado Gorontalo - Gorontalo Central Sulawesi - Palu West Sulawesi - Mamuju South Sulawesi - Makassar South East Sulawesi - Kendall Maluku Islands Maluku - Ambon North Maluku - Sofifi Western New Guinea West Papua - Manokwari Papua - Jayapura
BROAD AREA : 1,906,240 KM
TOTAL POPULATION : 237 556 363 (2010)
RELIGION : Islam (88,2%), PROTESTANT (5.9%), Catholic (3%), Hindu (1.8%),
BUDDHA (0.8%), OTHER (0.3%)
INDEPENDENCE : 17 AUGUST 1945 proclaimed, recognized 27 desember 1949
. * Etymology The word "Indonesia" is derived from the Latin Indus, meaning "Indian" and Nesos Greek word meaning "island". Thus, the Indonesian word meaning Indies islands, or archipelago located in the Indies, which indicates that this name is formed long before Indonesia became a sovereign state. In 1850, George Earl, a British ethnologist, originally proposed the term Indunesia and Malayunesia to the population "Indian Archipelago or the Malay Archipelago." Pupils from Earl, James Richardson Logan, used Indonesia as a synonym of the word Indian Islands. However, Dutch academics writing in the media do not use the word Dutch Indies Indonesia, but the terms Malay Archipelago (Maleische Archipel); Dutch East Indies (Nederlandsch Oost Indië), or Indian (Indië); East (de Oost); and even Insulinde (this term introduced in 1860 in the novel Max Havelaar (1859), written by Multatuli, the criticism of Dutch colonialism). Since 1900, the name Indonesia became more common in the academic environment outside the Netherlands, and Indonesian nationalist groups adopted it for political expression. Adolf Bastian at the University of Berlin popularize this name through the book Indonesien oder die Inseln des Malayischen Archipels, 1884-1894. Indonesian students who used it first is Suwardi Suryaningrat (Ki Hajar Dewantara), when he founded the Dutch news agency in the name Indonesisch Press Bureau in 1913.
Indonesia currently consists of 33 provinces, five of which have different status. Provinces are divided into 399 districts and 98 cities divided into districts and again into villages, villages, village, village, villages, pekon, or other terms that were accommodated by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government. Each province has a local parliament and provincial governors, while the district has a district legislature and the regents, then the town has a local parliament and mayor of the City, all directly elected by the people through elections and local elections. However there is no parliament in Jakarta District or the City, because the County Administration and the City Administration in Jakarta is not an autonomous region. Province of Aceh, Yogyakarta, West Papua, and Papua has the privilege of the legislature a greater and higher levels of autonomy than other provinces. For example, Aceh has the right to form its own legal system; in 2003, Aceh began to establish Sharia law. Obtain the status of Special Region of Yogyakarta as a recognition of the important role in supporting Indonesia's Yogyakarta during the Revolution. Province of Papua, formerly called Irian Jaya, the special autonomy status granted in 2001. DKI Jakarta, the capital of the state is a special area. Portuguese Timor was incorporated into Indonesia and became the province of East Timor in 1979-1999, which then through a referendum to the State of Timor Leste. * Province in Indonesia and its capital Sumatra: Aceh - Banda Aceh North Sumatera - Medan West Sumatra - Padang Riau - Pekanbaru Kepulauan Riau - Tanjung Pinang Jambi - Jambi South Sumatera - Palembang Bangka Belitung Islands - Louth Bengkulu - Bengkulu Lampung - Bandar Lampung Java Special Capital Region of Jakarta Banten - Serang West Java - Bandung Central Java - Semarang Special Region of Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta East Java - Surabaya Lesser Sunda Islands Bali - Denpasar West Nusa Tenggara - Mataram East Nusa Tenggara - Kupang
Kalimantan Kalimantan Barat - Pontianak Central Kalimantan - Palangkaraya South Kalimantan - Banjarmasin East Kalimantan - Samarinda Sulawesi North Sulawesi - Manado Gorontalo - Gorontalo Central Sulawesi - Palu West Sulawesi - Mamuju South Sulawesi - Makassar South East Sulawesi - Kendall Maluku Islands Maluku - Ambon North Maluku - Sofifi Western New Guinea West Papua - Manokwari Papua - Jayapura
* Heat type
Formulas :

with the following provisions:
Q = Heat received a substance (Joule, kilojoules, calories, kilocalories)
M = Mass of substance (Gram, Kilogram)
C = Heat type (Joule / kilogram ° C, Joule / gram ° C, Calories / gram ° C)
= Changes in temperature (° C) → (t2 - t1)
M = Mass of substance (Gram, Kilogram)
C = Heat type (Joule / kilogram ° C, Joule / gram ° C, Calories / gram ° C)

* To find the heat type, the formula is:

* To find the mass of substance, the formula is:

* Heat Capacity
Heat capacity is the amount of heat needed by the body to raise its temperature 1 ° C.
* The formula for heat capacity:
rovided that:
Q = Heat received a substance (Joule, kilojoules, calories, kilocalories)
H = Heat capacity (Joules / ° C)
M = Mass of substance (Gram, Kilogram)
C = Heat type (Joule / kilogram ° C, Joule / gram ° C, Calories / gram ° C)
= Changes in temperature (° C) → (t2 - t1)
Q = Heat received a substance (Joule, kilojoules, calories, kilocalories)
H = Heat capacity (Joules / ° C)
M = Mass of substance (Gram, Kilogram)
C = Heat type (Joule / kilogram ° C, Joule / gram ° C, Calories / gram ° C)


with the following provisions:
Q = Heat received a substance (Joule, kilojoules, calories, kilocalories)
M = Mass of substance (Gram, Kilogram)
L = Heat melting substances (Joule / kg, kilojoules / kilogram, joule / gram)
Q = Heat received a substance (Joule, kilojoules, calories, kilocalories)
M = Mass of substance (Gram, Kilogram)
L = Heat melting substances (Joule / kg, kilojoules / kilogram, joule / gram)
* Steam Heat

with the following provisions:
Q = Heat received a substance (Joule, kilojoules, calories, kilocalories)
M = Mass of substance (Gram, Kilogram)
U = Heat steam substances (Joule / kg, kilojoules / kilogram, joule / gram)
Q = Heat received a substance (Joule, kilojoules, calories, kilocalories)
M = Mass of substance (Gram, Kilogram)
U = Heat steam substances (Joule / kg, kilojoules / kilogram, joule / gram)
* Principle Black Formulas:

The principle of Black: The amount of heat received equal to the amount of heat released *Example Problem:

The principle of Black: The amount of heat received equal to the amount of heat released *Example Problem:
1.How much heat energy needed to vaporize 5 Kg of water at its boiling point, if the steam heat 2.26 million Joules / Kilogram? Answer: Given: m = 5 kg
U = 2,260,000 J / Kg Asked: Q =..... ? Answer Q = m x U
= 5 kg x 2.26 million J / Kg
= 11,300,000 J = 11.3 x 106 J
U = 2,260,000 J / Kg Asked: Q =..... ? Answer Q = m x U
= 5 kg x 2.26 million J / Kg
= 11,300,000 J = 11.3 x 106 J
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